Thursday, February 20, 2014

LINKS to COOL KIDS 4 online [English 4]

This is one of the links to access to your digital book on the Internet:

COOL KIDS Interactive 

If you want more, visit my other blog TEACHERSALVAMIRALLES4.
Este es uno de los enlaces para acceder a tu libro digital en Internet.
Si quieres más, visita mi otro blog TEACHERSALVAMIRALLES4.BLOGSPOT.COM

SALVA, your English teacher

ANIMALS: Funny videos [Science 1st]

Monkeys in the river having fun:
  Video from CEIP AZORÍN (Monòver, Alacant)

There was a crocodile:

The little chick:


SALVA, your English teacher

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

ANIMALS Videos [Science 1st]

FARM animals train:


WILD animals train:


ZOO animals train:


SALVA, your English teacher

Friday, February 7, 2014

THE TIME & new BLOG [English 4th]

We are going to study in the unit 4 how to ask for the date and how to answer to this question:

What time is it?

You can visit this new blog specially designed for you:

Vamos a estudiar en la unidad 4 cómo preguntar por la hora
y cómo responder a la pregunta ¿Qué hora es?

Puedes visitar este nuevo blog diseñado especialmente para ti.

SALVA, your English teacher

Thursday, February 6, 2014

READING Time [English 3rd]

This time I'm giving you the chance to read a beautiful story:


By Grant B. [Using STORYBIRD].

Hace mucho tiempo que no hay entradas nuevas en el blog. 
Hoy os ofrezco la oportunidad de leer una historia maravillosa 
(para que podais practicar vuestro inglés) llamada "Todos somos diferentes".

SALVA, your English teacher

Robert's random wheel

SALVA, your English teacher

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Telling the time [English 4th]

Telling the time in English is very easy. Learn how to do it watching these videos:


Decir la hora en inglés es muy fácil. Aprende a decirla viendo estos videos.

SALVA, your English teacher

Monday, February 3, 2014

INSECTS Games [Science 3rd]

Now we have read the unit about INSECTS, I invite you to have a little game time:

If you want to know more about INSECTS, just click HERE.

Ahora que hemos estudiado la unidad sobre INSECTOS, 
te invito a que pases un rato jugando con ellos.
Si quieres saber algo más sobre los insectos, pulsa AQUÍ.
SALVA, your English teacher

Sunday, February 2, 2014

Year of the Horse

Do you know what are the animals in the Chinese Calendar?

There are 12 animals and this is how they are set in order:

¿Sabes cuáles son los animales del Calendario lunar chino?
Hay 12 animales y así es como fueron ordenados.
SALVA, your English teacher